Back to School Sale & Saving USPS

Where did the months ago? We are nearly in September and I know many of us don't know what to make of it.

For a lot of you, distance learning or a compromised version of education is what you're thinking about. All the feelings you have are valid. I have many friends in the education space and while the first go was rough for all, I think everyone learned some lessons. Teachers- you are frontline heroes too. Parents- be graceful with yourselves during this time.

I am offering $15 off the Frontline Gratitude, Stay at Home and Stay at Home Family Edition Boxes for you to send care packages to the teachers and parents who will be needing support this coming school year. Use promo code BACKTOSCHOOL at checkout.

Buying a Bad Day Box also means supporting our beloved USPS. I only use Priority Mail and have long supported them before it meant saving our democracy. If you aren't able to buy a box, purchase some stamps and send some mail or at the very least text USPS to 50409- everyone wins in that scenario. Don't forget to register to vote!

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